

Curiosity and creative thinking help identify new ideas, new ways of working and new approaches. It may mean something brand new or adapting someone else’s approach.



Seeking Out New Ideas

Innovation is about invention, creating new things, and doing things differently.

Understanding that the current way of working is just one of many possible approaches, and that each approach has its own advantages and limitations.

Reframing Problems & Ideas

There is no right way to approach a problem or situation, and investigate a problem from only one angle can hide issues and opportunities.

Understanding and appreciating that people have different perspectives on a topic, problem or situation as a result of their background, experience and knowledge.

Adapting Approaches

Many teams have similar objectives, but they rarely have the same approach to meeting those goals

Understanding that there is no single way of doing things, while systems and public services are often standardised for operational efficiency other organisations can have a different approach

Continuously Learning

Knowledge is being produced and practices are evolving at an ever increasing rate

Understanding that in a constantly changing world knowledge and practice are no longer fixed, there is always something new happening somewhere.

Canadian Examples
