

Iteration is about using incremental, often rapid, approaches in the development of a project, product or service while reducing risks. Developing prototypes, conducting tests and experiments can help identify the best solution.

It is about lowering the barriers for experimentation and allowing projects to fail forward.



Managing Innovation Projects

Projects should be segmented into clearly defined stages which are time limited and have manageable goals.

Understanding incremental development approaches, where each stage of a project builds on the one before it.

Using Prototyes to Explore Approaches

Models, sketches, mock-ups, sample versions of an approach can be used to explore its feasibility, and develop a project incrementally.

Understanding how prototypes can be used to bring abstract ideas to life, and provide a tangible example of how something might work in practice.

Conducting Tests & Experiments

Tests and experiments provide a robust way of evaluating whether an approach works.

Understanding how tests and experiments can examine what works and what does not work.

Taking Risks but Not with Time or Money

Iterative and incremental approaches allow you to limit risks associated with testing out approaches or methods you may not have used before.

Understanding how iterative project management approaches allows new ideas to be tested on a small scale before trying to implement more widely.


Online Education

Government Examples

Canadian Examples
