Storytelling is about communicating in an ever changing world, telling the “story” of change helps build support and engage people by talking about the past, present and possible futures
Let’s remember to start with user needs and build them into the process to ensure it is relevant.
Stories are a natural way in which people share information and pass on knowledge
Understanding that stories communicate facts, opinions and situations by relaying experiences, making it easier for audiences to comprehend key messages.
Stories can be a powerful and effective way of expressing user needs and priorities
User stories are a way of communicating the way a user or groups of users experience a policy or service, they enable officials to empathise with the user and understand their needs.
Different people absorb information in different ways, using a variety of methods helps spread your message as far as possible
Understanding that metaphors and imagery are powerful devices in stories that can help explain complex ideas or situations.
Public sector innovation is driven by exchanging knowledge and practice. Stories can be a useful device for sharing your experiences.
Sharing experiences is an important element of public sector innovation, by sharing your experiences you help ensure people don’t have to learn the same lessons over and over.